SQ4R Method of Reading

Survey Question Read Recite Relate Review

SQ4R method improves both comprehension and grades.

Before you read, Survey
the chapter

· The title, headings, and subheadings.
· Captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps.
· Review questions or teacher-made study guides.
· Introductory and concluding paragraphs.
· Summary.
· Try to get an overview of what lies ahead.

while you are surveying

· Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions.
· Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading.
· Ask yourself, "What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?"
· Ask yourself, "What do I already know about this subject?"
· Example, the heading "Stages of Sleep" might lead you to ask: "Is there more than one stage of sleep?" What are they and how do they differ?" Asking questions helps you read with a purpose.
Note:  If it is helpful to you, write out these questions for consideration.  This variation is called SQW4R

When you begin to

· Look for answers to the questions you first raised.
· Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides.
· Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc.
· Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases.
· Study graphic aids.
· Reduce your speed for difficult passages.
· Stop and reread parts which are not clear.
· Read only a section at a time and recite after each section.

after you've read a section:

· Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read and/or summarize, in your own words, what you read.
· Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words.
· Underline/highlight important points you've just read.
· Use the method of recitation which best suits your particular learning style.
· Remember to look for answers as you read and to recite or take notes before moving on.
· Recite key terms and concepts.


· It is easier to remember ideas that are personally meaningful.
· When you study a chapter, try to link new facts, terms, and concepts with information you already know.

an ongoing process.

· When you’re done reading, skim back over the chapter, or read your notes. Then check your memory by reciting and quizzing yourself again.
· Make frequent review a key part of your study habits.